Time: 2 hours
Bringing functional medicine to the masses:
With group visits, we have created a platform
that gives us the opportunity to reach more
people who want to attain their health goals.
We are able to communicate the importance of
setting a foundation for optimal wellness and
getting to the root cause of health issues more
efficiently by having access to many people at
once, rather than to one person at a time.
This translates into spreading the message of the benefits of functional medicine at much more rapid pace. Group visits are also in many ways more effective than individual visits since there is accountability and commitment to a group through active participation and interaction. This encourages you to catalyze your own diet and lifestyle changes.
Topics include:
Advanced Prevention for Cardiovascular Disease
Protecting Your Heart: The Blood Sugar/Blood Insulin Connection
GI Foundations: Heal Your Gut Heal Your Body
Restoring the Balance: Stress Hormones and Health
Healthy Weight for Life
Essentials of Immune Health
Movement as Medicine
In addition to the presentation we also provide:
60 minute Q and A session to answer any specific questions you have
intake form to identify what is ailing you
user friendly handouts with key lifestyle tips necessary to correct underlying health issues
tracking vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate