Sample Report:
The IgG4 Food Antibodies is a food sensitivity test which uses a simple blood spot to measure the total IgG levels reacting to common food antigens. Using the blood spot kit means this food intolerance test is simple enough for the patient to use at home. IgG4 antibody is related to delayed or non–atopic food reactions that exacerbate or contribute to many different health problems. This antibody food sensitivity test is ideal for patients who may suffer from delayed reactions/sensitivities to specific foods.
Why choose the Bloodspot IgG Food Antibodies Profile for food sensitivity testing?
From a simple finger stick, the Bloodspot IgG4 Food Antibodies Profile offers a non–invasive alternative to a blood draw in determining IgG food sensitivity reactions. Responses to 30 different foods are tested, and responses are categorized by severity from borderline to mild, moderate, or severe on the report.
Why choose IgG food allergy testing?
IgG4 antibodies are associated with non–atopic or "delayed" food reactions that can worsen or contribute to many health conditions. Food intolerances (also known as food sensitivities) can occur at any age, triggering a wide range of symptoms. The Bloodspot IgG4 Food Antibody Profile measures levels of IgG4 antibodies specific to 30 commonly offending foods clearly identifying foods causing patient reactions. Testing aids the clinician in the specific dietary change that is needed, helping to achieve positive outcomes sooner, even when combined with elimination or provocation testing.
Common and hard to avoid offending foods:
- Milk
- Corn
- Wheat
- Egg
- Foods processed with molds such as black tea, breads, and fruit juices
Features of blood spot testing:
- Easy to implement in any practice and great option for follow–up testing
- Does not require venipuncture
- Cost–effective testing and therapy
- Easy enough for patients to use at home
- Offers the same levels of precision and reproducibility as standard methods
Test name(s): 0076 – IgG4 Food Antibodies – Bloodspot 30*
Method: ELISA
*Not available in New York