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Omega-3 features MaxSimil® monoglyceride fish oil that has a three times greater EPA/DHA absorption rate than an equivalent dose of other leading fish oils. Through the use of MaxSimil patented lipid absorption enhancement technology (PLATform), the fish oil is absorption-ready and can be directly assimilated in the intestinal tract for maximum benefit.*

  • Positively Affects the Production of Arachidonic Acid-Derived Eicosanoids*
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health*
  • Supports Healthy Mental Functioning*
  • Supports Healthy Glucose and Insulin Metabolism*
  • Supplying the Precursors EPA and DHA to Help the Body Generate Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators, Such as Resolvins and Protectins*

Omega 3 Softgels by Biogenetix

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