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H. Pylori, short for Helicobacter Pylori, is a gut bacteria which can wreak havoc on your digestive tract. It is now known to be the main reason why people will develop gastric or peptic ulcers. These ulcers can become erosive if not taken care of, and could eventually create a perforation in the stomach or small intestine. In worst case scenario, these ulcers can develop into cancerous lesions.

Signs of H. Pylori infection could be:


-Excessive Burping

-Nausea or Vomiting

-Chest Pain (like in acid reflux)

-Lack of Appetitie

-Unexplained Weight Loss

A medical professional is able to diagnose H. Pylori either through a urea breath test or a stool test. At the breath test you will swallow a sweet and sour liquid, and then breath into a bag. If there is an increased amount of Carbon Dioxide it will detect a positive H. Pylori result. The stool test is pretty straightforward.

A conventional medicine practitioner will prescribe anti-biotics to destroy the bacteria and a proton pump inhibitor like Omeprazole (Prilosec). However, anti-biotics can create issues like increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) due to the destruction of the good bacteria along with the bad in the process. This can lead back to the same issue that you began with in the first place, since you are left without the good flora competing against the bad. The proton pump inhibitor will reduce the acid content in the stomach to allow the ulcers to heal, however it causes deficiencies in vitamins such as B12 and minerals such as magnesium which are essential for normal body function.

Therefore I prefer to treat it naturally and it is just as effective. Here are the steps:

1. Eliminate the behaviors that created the environment for the infection in the first place. This means that you should only eat till you are 80% full and chew your food well. The issue to begin with is that the bacteria was allowed to grow on rotting, undigested food due to the overload of food on the digestive system that was not properly mechanically processed through chewing inadequately.

In addition it is a good idea to drink after the meal and the drink to be room temperature or warm, since fluids, especially cold ones can slow down the digestive processing of food.

2. Eat a clean diet. Eat foods that support the digestive tract like Grassfed Bone Broth that heal the gut lining and fermented foods like kefir (unsweetened), Kimchi, and Sauerkraut to provide a good environment for healthy gut flora to grow.

Get rid of any processed food (if you can't name all the ingredients in it just by looking at it, it is considered processed) and refined carbohydrates from the diet. Use stevia as your go to sweetener. Stevia works well with sour things.

Drink matula tea, room temperature water, or unsweetened cranberry juice (sweetened with stevia) and avoid sugary drinks, alcohol (which is basically sugar), and coffee during this cleansing period.

In general, I suggest following the book Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger MD during this 4 week period along with the supplements he prescribes.

3. Take supplements and healing foods to kill H. Pylori bacteria and heal ulcers and the gut in general for a 4 week period:

Manuka Honey - 1 teaspoon 3x/day

Mastic gum - 1 capsule 2x/day

Matula Tea - 2-3 cups/day

DGL (Deglycerrhized Licorice) - NOW brand chewables 1 tablet 2x/day

Zinc Carnosine - 1 chewable tablet 2x/day

Aloe Vera Gel - Drink 4-6 oz. 2x/day

Cranberry Juice (Unsweetened) - Drink 8-16 oz. day, Mix with water and stevia to dilute.

Berberine - 1 capsule 2x/day

You may experience a die off reaction such as nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. In this case I recommend mixing 1/2 tablespoon of food grade bentonite clay or french green clay into water.

The clay attaches to the bacteria which have died off and eliminates them from the gut. This allows for less time for them to release their toxins when they die off.

Drink clay mixture 2 hours away from any medication or supplements as it will nullify them.


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